All important info for the on-site visit
The Kunstmuseum Singen is one of the most distinguished art museums on the German side of Lake Constance.
It focuses on classical modern art and contemporary art from the four-country region of Lake Constance and the German southwest. On 1000 m2 and two floors, the house shows four to six collection and special exhibitions annually.
Preferably during the summer months, the museum presents a selection from its art-historical collection of "Höri artists". Today, the museum owns the richest collection of works by these classical modern artists, who lived and worked on the Höri peninsula of Lake Constance from 1933 onwards. This includes work complexes by Max Ackermann, Otto Dix, Erich Heckel, Curth Georg Becker, Helmuth Macke and many more.
Art , Art museum
Address Ekkehardstraße 10
78224 Singen
+49 7731 85-271
Eintritt frei
Während der Laufzeit der Doppelausstellung »125 x SINGEN. Geschichte. Identität. Vielfalt.« (04.05. - 15.09.2024) zum Jubiläum der Stadterhebung gewährt die Stadt Singen freien Eintritt
Guided tours of the art museum's exhibitions or an individually desired focus/topic offer a variety of occasions for a visit to the museum. Whether for adults and senior citizens or for children and young people: The mediation program of the Kunstmuseum Singen has the right offer for everyone. Thus, the Kunstmuseum Singen is and remains a place of lively exchange about art and culture.
Public guided tours:
Group tours of current exhibitions: Information and registration: +49 (0) 7731 85 269 /
Group tours of the mural "War and Peace" by Otto Dix in Singen Town Hall: Information and registration at +49 (0) 7731 85 269 /
Singen ist reich an Kunst im Stadt- und Außenraum. Zahlreiche Skulpturen, Wandbilder, Glasfenster und Public-Art-Projekte sind öffentlich zugänglich. Viele davon, darunter Werke von Joseph Kosuth oder Ilya Kabakov, sind zu Fuß erreichbar. Das einzig erhaltenene Wandbild von Otto Dix (1960) finden sich im Singener Rathaus unweit des Kunstmuseums.