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Zurück Germany > Singen > Kunstmuseum Singen  > Exhibition
Rudolf Wachter. I work with wood - The wood works with me.

Rudolf Wachter. I work with wood - The wood works with me.

Rudolf Wachter (1923-2011) est l'un des sculpteurs sur bois modernes les plus importants d'Allemagne. En utilisant les forces du tronc pour créer ses sculptures puissamment réduites, Wachter a ouvert de toutes nouvelles possibilités artistiques pour la sculpture sur bois.

Pfeil nach unten
Foto: Paul Königer | © Nachlass Rudolf Wachter Skulpturen Rudolf Wachters in seinem Atelierwohnhaus
29. October 2023 - 14. January 2024

The sculptor Rudolf Wachter (1923 Bernried / Lake of Constance - 2011 Munich) discovered wood sculpture late in the 1970s. In just four decades, however, he created a body of work that made him an innovator of wood sculpture in the 20th century. Rudolf Wachter creates simple, yet fundamental works in which nature and art work together symbiotically: “I work with the wood and the wood works with me,” is Rudolf Wachter’s credo.

The shaping cut with the chainsaw deep into the trunk, the inclusion of natural growth and shrinkage processes in the design - primarily the cracking and branching of the wood -, the opening of the trunk and the inclusion of space in it, but also that Playing through basic movements and rotations, postures and positions determine Wachter's sculptures, which are always intended to be monumental and usually designed from all sides. In numerous work groups he examined the potential of his material and its forms. With his dual approach of incorporating the organically grown materiality of the trunk into the artistically processed form, he made a unique contribution to contemporary sculpture. “I no longer composed (…), but looked at nature and saw a sculpture in it” (Rudolf Wachter).

The Singen Art Museum is showing the retrospective of Rudolf Wachter's 100th birthday in cooperation with the Wachter estate, the Museum Lothar Fischer Neumarkt i.d.OPf., the Academy of Fine Arts Munich and the Galerie Werner Wohlwachter Leibertingen-Thalheim. We thank Veronika Wachter, Dr. Pia Dornacher, Werner and Gerlinde Wohlwachter, Prof. Florian Fischer and Dr. Stefanje Weinmayr for the collaboration.

Opening hours

Closed on Mondays
Tuesday - Friday 2:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m
Saturday + Sunday 11:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m
Holiday like weekday*

*Monday, November 1st, 2023 (All Saints Day) | closed
Sunday, Dec. 24, 2023 (Christmas Eve) | closed
Monday, Dec. 25, 2023 (Christmas Day) | closed
Tuesday, Dec. 26, 2023 ((Boxing Day) | closed
Sunday, Dec. 31, 2023 (New Year's Eve) | closed
Monday, Jan. 1, 2024 (New Year) | closed


Single ticket: €5.00
Single ticket reduced: €3.00
(Young people aged 7-17, schoolchildren, trainees, students, FSJ, pensioners, social pass holders, severely disabled people)

Admission free:
Children up to 7 years | Every Thursday for all visitors (If Thursday falls on a public holiday, the admission-free day is postponed to the previous working day.)

Admission free:
Holders of the museum pass, holders of the Bodensee Erlebniskarte, members of the ADVK and Kunstverein Singen, members of ICOM, members of the Association of German Art Historians, members of the Association of Restorers (VDR) e.V., representatives of the press

Family tickets:
€6.00 ​​(1 adult + max. 4 children/young people up to 18 years)
€11.00 (2 adults + max. 4 children/young people up to 18 years)

Groups of 10 people or more:
€3.00 per person

Guided tours

SO 01.10.2023 11 Uhr
Eröffnung der Ausstellung

DO 23.11.2023 09.30 - 11.30 Uhr
Kunstfrühstück: Frühstück im Foyer des Museums und Führung durch die Ausstellung mit Museumsleiter Christoph Bauer

SO 26.11.2023 11 Uhr
Führung »Rudolf Wachter + Elly Weiblen« mit Museumsleiter Christoph Bauer

SO 10.12.2023 11 Uhr
Führung »Rudolf Wachter + Elly Weiblen« mit Museumsleiter Christoph Bauer

DO 14.12.2023 18 Uhr
Kunst + Brot + Zeit*:
Führung durch die Ausstellungen »Rudolf Wachter + Elly Weiblen« mit Museumsleiter Christoph Bauer und kulinarischem Ausklang

SO 14.01.2024 11 Uhr
Finissage »Rudolf Wachter + Elly Weiblen«, Apéro und Führung mit Museumsleiter Christoph Bauer

Sculptures by Rudolf Wachter in his studio home

Sculptures by Rudolf Wachter in his studio home

Skulpturen Rudolf Wachters in seinem Atelierwohnhaus

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